Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Running for a cause

I'm a huge animal supporter, especially ones that are in shelters. I, along with millions of others, picked up my cat from a shelter and that was the best decision I have ever made. Honestly, if it weren't for them, my cat, Andy, wouldn't be around (he was terribly ill being several weeks old and alone in the world). Therefore, I've decided to make my running count towards something in this world that could perhaps help others. So the upcoming Free State 40M race in April will be for the Lawrence Humane Society. I've started a firstgiving fundraising site with a small goal of $200. You can read more about it at the site.

I hope this goal is possible. If not, that's fine. Anything will help those helpless little guys who deserve it. So if you'd like to give, that would be greatly appreciated. :-)

If I'm gonna suffer, I might as well make it count towards something useful.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have questions.

Stay strong,


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